Sunday, July 18, 2010

DFW, KC, Worthington & Black Hills

The last week in June we were in Dallas for Charlie's 3rd birthday.

The birthday party was at a fire station. Cake furnished by Aunt Nancy & Uncle Chris. Smoke from the house (dry ice) and real lights on the fire truck.
Charlie & Nate in awe as firefighter put on his uniform and mask.

Nate & Charlie enjoying pancakes.
Dave & Nate at Bass Pro Shop. This one would work Dad.

Charlie trying out a boat @ Bass Pro Shop.

Gretch & Nate

Charlie, Grandma, Nate, & Grandpa

Charlie, Dave, Gretch, & Nate

On the way home from DFW we stopped in KC for an overnight.

Justine (next door neighbor) & Macy

Calvin, Grandma, Adrienne, Macy, & Grandpa

On the way to Black Hills we stayed in Worthington for a couple of nights. Ben & Steph provided the pontoon boat for a ride on Lake Okabena.

Mary and her childhood home on South Shore Drive

Grandpa Carlo and Will

Will & Ben driving the boat

Will, Ben, & Steph

Shirley & Carlo

Jane & Mary in Sleepy Eye

South Dakota gathering of WHS Class of '66, included great food, lots of golf, visiting and enjoying great weather. It was 47 degrees on Thursday morning.

Who are these people??
Mary & Dwayne, Patti & George Rayl, Nancy & Rod Galland, Marty Jorgensen, Jerry Griffith, Tom & Sandy Rayl, John Tate, Colleen & Galen Gordon.

Dwayne, George, Rod, Marty, Jerry, Tom, John & Galen